Benchmarking/Best Practices Surveys

Benchmarking/Best Practices Surveys

Information derived from benchmarking/best practice surveys allow members to compare their results with their peers. Content for surveys of this variety will typically include compensation and benefits but will also delve into topics such as:

•  Staffing levels

•  Billing rates for specific staff positions

•  Salaries for specific staff positions

•  Gross billings and average profit/loss                 

•  Marketing efforts that are being used

Using measures such as overall profitability we can identify firms that are “top performers” and examine “best practices” that set them apart from the others. Those who receive the final report will be able to benchmark their key statistics against this “top performer” group. 

Surveys of this type provide exceptional value for your members. Results can be provided on multiple platforms e.g. print, webinars and conferences. 

For more information about benchmarking/best practices or other types of high value surveys, please contact us at: or call 905-465-3578.

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