Bramm Research Inc.
Gerald Bramm - President and CEO

  • Address :10 Shoreline Lane, Port Dover, ON N0A 1N7
  • Phone : 519.583.7041
  • Cell: 905.302.1910
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We Help Associations Make Better Decisions

Our member research will give your association
the insights you need to succeed

Better Information Leads to Better Solutions

High quality market research can make a significant contribution to an association's success. But many associations lack the time or expertise required to design, execute and interpret their research efforts in a meaningful way. 

Without reliable and valid research associations don’t have the information they need to clearly determine their next steps and set strategic priorities that support their members and their mission. 

Associations should have access to evidence-based insights to answer questions such as: 

Bramm Research Solutions
  • How do we best allocate our resources?
  • What programs and services need to be introduced, enhanced, reduced or removed?
  • Do we retain or rethink our member value proposition?

We provide research driven member insights
that result in better solutions and greater success.

Associations that we work with rely on our market research expertise to give them valuable member insights so they can confidently make evidence-based decisions related to member attraction, engagement and retention.

We plan the market research initiatives. We conduct the research, distill the results into meaningful insights and map a course of action.



The first step in any research project is to establish the objectives - why are we conducting this survey? How will we use the results?



Once we’ve determined the objectives we decide on the appropriate methodology and manage all elements of the data collection process.



When data collection is complete, we determine the key insights and outline a clear course of action.

Conducting Effective Member Research is Challenging

We Have the Experience to Help You Obtain the Member Insights You Need

We understand how challenging it is for associations to make strategic decisions when they lack the resources to confidently conduct their own member research.

Bramm Research consists of a dedicated staff of talented consultants. We have been in the survey business for more than 30 years. We have worked on hundreds of projects that have made a significant contribution to our clients’ success.

We use our experience to bring you a fresh perspective and help your association reach its goals.

Bramm Research Client Testimonials

Here’s what our clients say about our work...

“For the past five years, we have worked with Bramm Research on our annual member satisfaction survey. They are a valuable partner in this process and we rely on their knowledge and professionalism through every phase of the process.”

“We recently conducted a member survey using the services of Bramm Research. Their team provided excellent support in developing our survey, managing data collection and analyzing the results. We relied on their expertise and guidance during every step of our project and their customer service was exceptional throughout this process. We look forward to working with Bramm Research on future research initiatives.”

“We worked with Bramm Research on our most recent member survey. They brought to this project leading edge survey techniques that gave us a more in-depth perspective on the needs of our members. At the end of the process their analytical research skills and insights provided great value to our strategic planning decisions makers. Their expertise and professional approach made them ideal partners to work with.”

How We Work with You

Schedule a Discovery Call

Bramm Research Call

We’ll discuss your organization’s unique research needs, then develop a proposal that outlines our approach, along with deliverables, an estimate and timelines.

We Conduct the Research

Bramm Research Research

Once we have clear objectives, we’ll develop the survey instrument e.g. on online questionnaire or a discussion guide. We’ll conduct the research, tabulate the results and create a report.

Provide Insights and an Action Plan

Bramm Research Insights

The final report will provide you with the insights and action plan that you need to confidently advance your association's strategic objectives.

Member Surveys

We have considerable experience conducting the following types of member surveys

Bramm Research Satisfaction

Member Satisfaction and Engagement

Today’s association members are multi-generational with unparalleled opportunities to connect and access to information. To remain viable in this new reality an association must have a clear understanding of their members and the benefits that they seek. We have developed a way to quantify member engagement and identify member activities that correlate most strongly with that engagement.

Bramm Research Needs

Member Needs Assessment

Capturing insights related to “needs and expectations” is challenging.
However, we have had success asking members about their challenges, anxieties, fears, frustrations and headaches. We take their answers and apply thought and creativity to come up with programs and services that will address these challenges. This, in our opinion, is the essence of a “needs analysis”.

Bramm Research Knowledge Products

Knowledge Products

We have successfully developed and executed a number of surveys that we describe as “knowledge products”. Knowledge products provide information that will help members/stakeholders in their decision making efforts e.g. industry outlook surveys, awareness and actions taken based on new legislation and benchmarking and best practice surveys. Importantly, these surveys provide the opportunity to generate non-dues revenue.

Bramm Research Benchmarking

Benchmarking and Best Practices

Within a given market we collect detailed information on factors such as compensation and benefits, marketing tools being used, spending levels and key financial ratios. Results are tabulated in a variety of ways so that an individual report buyer can compare their own results and procedures to similar operations. Importantly, we create a “best-in-class category”. Typically this relates to consistent profitability but may include some other relevant measure.

Bramm Research Compensation

Compensation and Benefits

We have a lot of experience in conducting compensation and benefits surveys. This type of research introduces some interesting challenges and we have developed a series of techniques to help us address these issues.


Are You Looking for Member Insights?